About the teachers

Domenico and Mariapaola are professional teachers of Argentine Tango, members of the Italian National Association of Dance Teachers (A.N.M.B. - founder member of the World Dance Council); their passion for the Argentine Tango started several years ago. As dancers, they took part in several performances. As teachers, they teach Argentine Tango and Argentine dances all over Europe, being renowned for the warm atmosphere, the strong focus on the technique and clear and effective didactic approach.

They studied and perfectioned tango and Argentine dances with several teachers and dancers, among others: Osvaldo Zotto, Geraldine Rojas, Ezequiel Paludi, Gisele Avanzi, Natacha Poberaj, Roberto Herrera, Graciela Gonzalez, José Halfon and Virginia Cutillo, Elina Roldan, Leo Calvelli and Eugenia Usandivaras, Pilar Alvarez and Claudio Hoffmann, Diego "El Pajaro" Riemer and Mercedes "Mecha" Espinel, Carlos and Natalia Ochoa, Antonella Mazzetti and Filippo De Maio, Oscar Benavidez, Laura Rodriguez and Claudio Cortejarena.

They currently teach: Argentine Tango, Tango Vals, Milonga (lisa and traspié), Tango Canyengue, Chacarera (Argentine Folk dance), dance technique for leaders and followers.
They can speak (and teach in) English, Italian, French and Spanish.